Sunday, February 20, 2011

Shrinky Dinks - A Better Late Than Never Post

I should have posted this back on Halloween but I'm going with the better late than never theme. Do you remember Shrinky Dinks? They were one of my very favorite "toys" when I was growing up. Hubby's niece Juli was with us one day as we were browsing a toy store - all of a sudden I spotted a Shrinky Dinks kit and was instantly excited! Juli didn't have a clue about Shrinky Dinks and when I explained what they are she said, "Sounds like a rip-off." Gotta love kids.

Well as soon as we got home and started coloring - she began to change her mind.

Once we got them in the oven and she saw the shrinking fun commence - she really got into it.

Halloween skeleton before...

...and after.

Some more afters.

The complete Halloween tree (tree even came flocked girls!). Juli is now a convert.


  1. We LOVE Shrinky Dinks! I never saw that awesome Halloween kit... we'll have to look for one this year. Your niece is so sweet - looks like you both had a great time!

  2. How cute.....I'd forgotten about 'shrinky dinks'... our daughter had some at one time.

    Your niece is so pretty.... looks like she's having fun.

  3. Well that's a blast from the past Karla. I used to love shrinky dinks. I bet you two had heaps of fun.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  4. better late than never it right! i'm glad you posted- very cute! and did you see the current issue of Country Living where someone makes "charm" bracelets using shrinky dinks? gotta try that! hope all is well my friend! have a good week, xo nat

  5. Hi Sugar Bear,

    I love shrinky dinks! They were a favorite of mine growing up too! You might have to invite Juli over for an Easter shrinky dink session. (me too please)

    Love ya,

  6. I havent played with those in years! But how cute is that tree!

  7. Well, I've been waiting for another post from you and this one is just great! What a fun time -- and what a blast from the past. Wonder if that's how shrink plastic got so popular for making art charms?

  8. I see Juli is pretty smart.. I am guessing she heard something like ~ "You buy this, cut them out and they SHRINK!" What , you end up with less!? hehe

    I LOVE Shrinky Dinks too! What fun crafting you three girls will be doing in a few years Chelsea has such a lovely cousin!

    I hope Spring is on it's way to you also!

    xo, Mary

  9. Oh, I remember the joy that came from shrinky-dinks when I was wonderful!!!


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