Hi everyone. I'm still here! Feel like I've been saying that a lot lately. Blogging and answering my e-mail has unfortunately taken a temporary back seat for now. I've been working on getting the baby room together, washing all the little clothes, organizing, trying to get a bunch of stuff done at work - all the usual last minute preparations that come with a major life change! Yes, for those of you who asked, Jeff did get the room cleaned and painted. Yay! The furniture was delivered last week and now we are working on decor, etc. I'll post some photos once we are further along in the process.
My mother and mother-in-law gave me a baby shower last weekend. It was fabulous but slightly overwhelming in terms of all the stuff now in the house that needs putting together, putting away, cleaning, etc. We don't have a big house, but slowly we are making progress on that front and I'm oh so grateful to all of our family and friends that have blessed us with so many wonderful things. My mother-in-law is a master knitter and she made several items including an adorable wrap sweater and hat, and two blankets. That's a photo of one of the blankets above. Aren't the little teddy bears cute?
I also want to thank several new visitors and friends that have stopped by in recent posts. I promise I will visit you as well! It is just taking me a bit longer than usual.
Meanwhile, perhaps we should start taking bets on when this baby will arrive. :) Due date is March 17. I've definitely been increasingly uncomfortable. God bless you all that have done this already - and double God bless those that have done it more than once!
We are also trying to prepare Margot as much as possible. We've been taking out the baby gear and letting her sniff it and get used to seeing it. I've also been playing a baby sounds CD to get her used to the different sounds a baby can make. The CD has three tracks - cute baby sounds, slightly crankier baby sounds, and crying. So far we have only made it through the cute sounds (I just got the CD). The recommendation is to gradually work up to the crying sounds - hopefully by the end of this week. For those of you that had dogs before babies - how did your dog react? Did you do anything specific to help them before or during the transition? Now before you answer, remember I'm a hormonal pregnant woman who is already worried about this - don't give me bad news!