My adorable and wonderful and creative sister Shelley made us this wonderful coupon book that I just had to share. I think it is so cute and such a fabulous idea!

My adorable and wonderful and creative sister Shelley made us this wonderful coupon book that I just had to share. I think it is so cute and such a fabulous idea!
Posted by Sugar Bear at 2:26 PM 21 comments
Hi all! I'm still here. Thank you so much to everyone for all of your well wishes and welcoming words and gifts for our Little Miss Chelsea. She is 6 weeks now and I'm finally beginning to find my way out from under the incredible yet very demanding first weeks of a baby's life. I have a quick moment to post while Chelsea is (finally!) taking a nap. I wanted to show that I'm still in the crafting game. These are a few projects I worked on prior to Chelsea's arrival. Above are some cupcake paper flowers I made for our kitchen table centerpiece. So super easy and fun.
Posted by Sugar Bear at 2:21 PM 28 comments