I had a few quick minutes while Chelsea was napping and decided to fore go cleaning up the house (so not me!) and make over the soap dispenser instead!

I had a few quick minutes while Chelsea was napping and decided to fore go cleaning up the house (so not me!) and make over the soap dispenser instead!
Posted by Sugar Bear at 9:09 AM 19 comments
This post is a bit late but here's to you hubby! Daddy always provides a very comfortable shoulder for snoozing...
Posted by Sugar Bear at 9:05 AM 16 comments
Today is my second day back at work. I can't tell you how badly I wish I could be home with my little Chelsea right now. But the economy has taken its toll on our family and we need to have two incomes right now. For anyone else in this situation, this book is a great read.
So many changes have taken place over the past three months. I've decided to put my pursuit of a Masters degree on indefinite hold. There just aren't enough hours in the day and I want to spend every moment available with Chelsea. Knowing I'm missing 8 hours a day with her and all that she is doing in those 8 hours is really killing me right now. Everyone says it gets easier as the weeks go by but does it really?
I thought I'd be able to have a bit more time to blog but that has also taken a back burner for now. Thank you to everyone who continues to stop by to see if I've updated and those of you who have e-mailed me directly. Funny thing is I'm actually thinking now that I am back to work I may have more time to check in on all of your blogs during my breaks. The time to be creative hasn't quite been there yet but I know it will come. Chelsea is getting to a stage where I can put her in the bouncy seat and get a few things done. Of course, once again, I don't want to miss time with her so I have a feeling anything creative that comes out of me will be small projects easily accomplished in an hour or so and probably have a children's theme! Right now I am savoring every moment with my little family and trying to balance work in there as well. I know I don't have to tell you this but those of you that are able to stay home with your children are truly blessed. I do hold out hope that could be me someday.
Now that I'm really trying to put the family on a budget, I've been looking at all kinds of ways to cut costs and save money. I found this great website. And, proof once again that I really need to learn how to sew, check out this and this! I'm trying to recruit my mother and sister to help me with the former. I'm figuring if we start now, we may finish by the time Chelsea is 5 :).
Have a great day.
Posted by Sugar Bear at 11:00 AM 20 comments