It has been almost a month since my last post! It is a wonder I still have any followers. Thank you so much for sticking with me!
Speaking of wonders, have you heard of the
Wonderbar? It is a facial bar that detoxifies and pulls out all the toxins and junk lying under our skin (sometimes for years) and helps to bring our skin back to its original pH balance. I have acne prone skin and have tried everything under the sun. Scrubs, masks, oil washes, etc. etc. When I read about the Wonderbar I was skeptical
l especially when I read about the healing crisis that can take place when you first use the product. Basically, you can break out and dry out as the bar works to remove all the nasties from your skin. I decided to try it though as I really had nothing to lose and my skin was already breaking out anyway!
I am currently in week 5 and I am very pleased with the results. From the first time I used it I felt a difference in my skin. This little bar (and it is little - the size of a hotel bar of soap though it does last 6 - 8 weeks) is truly different then anything I have tried before. It has made my skin a lot clearer though I am still breaking out in my most prone spots. The breakouts are not half as bad as they were and go away very quickly. I am curious and anxious to see if they will disappear completely or at least mostly with continued use. All in all, I highly recommend trying this if you have problem skin or if you want to restore a youthful glow. And who doesn't want that?