Each year at this time my mother, sister, mother-in-law, and sister-in-law go to Tower Farms, a local flower farm in my hometown. There we make Christmas wreathes for our homes. It has been a tradition for over 10 years. I've known my mother-in-law and sister-in-law for most of my life, years before I started dating my husband (a story for another time!). Tower Farms is a picture perfect spot for holiday cheer and spirit. They not only sell poinsettias, wreathes, trees, and greens - they also have an adorable gift shop. I thought I would share some photos.

The class takes place at night so some of these photos are a bit blurry but I think you will get the general idea!
A wreath featuring a cardinal - one of my favorite birds.
I didn't get a great photo of this but it is a beautiful arboretum with three angels inside. The angels represent three beautiful women from our community, a mother and her two daughters, that were brutally taken from us this past summer.
Some angels for sale. They had so many different kinds I wanted one of each!

A fun metallic tree.
One of their trademarks are theme trees. This one is Irish and features many different shamrocks.
This is a beautifully decorated gazebo. Perfect for a sitting under and enjoying a warm cup of cocoa.
Another theme tree. Can you guess what it is? If you said rubber duckies you are right!
Some sweet deer just waiting to go home with you.

I wanted this top hat bad! But I was a good girl and resisted. Isn't it adorable? I may have to go back for it!
Another theme tree. This one is roses. My mother-in-law was eyeing this beauty for her home but left empty handed. Maybe she will have to come back with me!
A pretty white tree with gorgeous purple metallic bows.
One of the big sellers! A greenhouse full of poinsettias.

Here I am with my completed wreath, which is now proudly displayed on my front door.

My sister with her wreath.
My Mom with her wreath.
My sister-in-law with her wreath...
...and my mother-in-law with her wreath.

A lovely group.
Don't you love this?

This theme tree is my favorite! It is a picnic tree filled with hamburgers and hot dogs. The tree topper is a picnic table complete with ants!
This is the squirrel in the picnic tree - he is looking for some goodies!
While at Tower Farms I purchased all of the wreathes for the outside of the house as well as all of the greens for my urns and window boxes. Always one for instant gratification, I stood outside tonight and arranged everything. I have a feeling I may need to do a little fluffing come daylight!
Hugs and cheer,