Well here is a shocker, I've fallen behind again! Thank you to everyone for your kind comments on baby girl. I'm getting through all of the e-mails and comments slowly. For those of you who have asked, no, we have not come up with a name yet. We might keep that part secret once we do and reveal it when she is born. We are thinking of picking a few names and then deciding once she is here. I say that now but who knows what we will actually end up doing!
Jeff and I did start looking at baby furniture and we are making a list and getting ready to register. I don't know how you gals do this! I'm so overwhelmed with all the choices and gadgets and baby this and that on the market. I have consulted with a few friends that have already been through this process as well as the highly recommended Baby Bargains book so I think we are in fairly good shape. We don't have a large house and I hate clutter so we are trying to be realistic about what we will actually need and not fall for all of the things that look great but end up sitting around collecting dust.
Lots of other things going on as well. I finished up my first graduate level class - I'm in an online program that splits each semester into two seven week sessions so you take two classes a semester but only one class at a time. This sounds easy enough but I wasn't prepared for the amount of work one class would hold! I'm very happy to report that I got an A in my first course. Yay! I've just started the second and so far it seems like the workload is higher than the first, hence some of the reason I'm so behind in other areas of my life! I'm taking this one course at a time - I'd like to get one more in before the baby comes and then see how things work out.
I haven't had a change to take photos yet but I want to thank Natalea for hosting her first swap. It was a collaborative book entitled I Want Candy. So fun and the book is absolutely darling and now holds a special place in my craft area.
I also just received a fun giveaway prize from Ele. She sent a darling beaded baby fork, some adorable cards, and a hankie. Thanks Ele!
I'm very proud of my little sister. She ran her first half marathon a few weeks ago.

This is the arch that marked the finish line.

And this is Shelley celebrating her finish by kissing her medal. Now she says she wants to run a marathon. More power to her! I don't even think I can run a mile!

This isn't the greatest photo but I had to take it from the window or Margot would have beat a hasty retreat (she hates the camera!). She loves to hang out in the backyard and watch whatever Jeff is doing - in this photo he was picking up leaves. Its so funny, she will just stay there forever and watch his every move.
And I'm beyond excited that
this lovely lady will be popping in later this week. She will be making a stop in Connecticut during her
whirlwind USA tour and on her way to
this event that I wish I could be at too! Check out her blog to see where she has been so far. By the time she is through I think she will have seen more of the US than I have!
Toodle loo for now,