Thursday, January 28, 2010
My Organizational Nightmare

Posted by Sugar Bear at 1:23 PM 8 comments
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Week Free of Recreational Technology
Hello Friends!
Just popping in to say that hubby and I are in the midst of our self proclaimed Week Free of Recreational Technology challenge. This means no TV, computer (other than for work), Facebook, iphone, Droid, etc. use. Of course I am cheating by posting this but I wanted to let you know I will be offline the rest of the week! I have also had to turn on comment moderation for now. Way too many spam comments and I just can't keep up with them. Have a great week. I'll report back on our ability to be tech free!

Posted by Sugar Bear at 8:44 AM 6 comments
Monday, January 11, 2010
Some Really Bad Photos of a Recent Makeover
Whew! Finally feeling a bit back to normal and the old routine after the holiday rush. I hope everyone had fabulous holidays.
I must apologize for the very, very bad photos in this post. I'm certainly no photographer to begin with and any kind of fancy SLR camera seems to be way off on the distant horizon. On the day I took these photos the lighting wasn't good and I was holding a squirming baby. But I wanted to share them anyway because by the time I get around to taking better photos - who knows what month it will be!
I know many people have this IKEA frame. As you probably know it is sold in black. I used to have it hanging on the back of our front door and I had wanted to rotate the images inside the frame with the seasons. That wasn't really working for me and we had a bare wall so it moved. I didn't like the black so I spray painted it this lovely creamy color. Can't remember the name. Instead of constantly framing and unframing the image, I decided to glue some cork board onto the back. Now I can rotate the images whenever I feel like it. I was inspired by this blogger and pinned up the few prize ribbons I own. I also noticed this month's Country Living has a similar idea featured.
A much more pleasant visual and I love how it now has more of a "3D" effect to bring more interest to the wall.
One other thing on my mind - has anyone else been getting lots of comment spam recently? I have the word verification on but they are still getting through. I recently had a whole slew on many various past posts. I'm trying to delete them as they come in but these spammers are getting the better of me. Anyone have any way to control them short of turning on comment moderation?

Posted by Sugar Bear at 10:32 AM 13 comments