One of my very favorite blog friends, Karla Nathan of Karla's Cottage (gosh - doesn't she have a great name?!) is hosting a What Do You Love About Your Home day. I think this is a great idea and I can't wait to see what fun things everyone is posting about. Above are two of my favorite things - two handmade plates that Jeff and I purchased while in Florence on our honeymoon.
One of my very favorite things about our home - the espresso machine! I chipped in with my family and Jeff's family to purchase this for Jeff for his birthday back in January. We both love it and use it pretty much daily. I can make espresso, cappuccino, and many other wonderful combinations of coffee drinks. Next to the espresso machine is a wine opener that was one of the first things I gave to Jeff when we started dating.
This is a weather vane outside our home. We purchased this while in Cape Cod for our first anniversary. This weather vane was our anniversary gift to each other.
This is a small peek at my purple powder room! This half bath is off of our kitchen. Jeff actually agreed to the lavender color!
This is a salvaged window turned mirror. I wish I could say I made it but I purchased it. This hangs in our front entry.

This is our guest room bed. I especially like the paisley pillows because I made them. I am not much of a sewer but I found a no sew method that worked beautifully. Our master bedroom is still a work in progress - along with many other areas of our home! I figured I would save our bedroom for one of the last projects as no one really sees it but then I read a magazine article saying how the master bedroom should be one of the first projects as we need to treat ourselves and gives ourselves a restful retreat. I hadn't thought of it that way so now our room has moved up on the to do list!
This is a wall of photographs in our dining room. The photos above are all old photos of my grandparents. Special moments from when they first starting dating. Precious times caught on film. The opposite wall of the dining room contains a similar display of Jeff's grandparents.
I lost my maternal grandfather when I was 8. I am the oldest grandchild and the only one that has clear memories of him. I miss him so much 21 years later and wonder what kind of impact he would have had on my life had he lived longer. I think I get a lot of my creativity from him. He loved to make furniture in his spare time (he was a tool maker by trade). He died before passing on his craft - if he had lived I know I would have wanted to learn. The photo above is a painting that he did and now hangs in my kitchen.
The photo above is one of the most important things to me. It is a desk that my grandfather made for me. He planned to make all of his grandchildren a desk, but I am the only one that received one before his untimely passing. On top of the desk is a music box my mother-in-law gave me when I had a work milestone. The teddy bear is mine from childhood. I actually purchased the bear myself when I was a pre-teen. I never had a teddy bear (I had many, many other toys though!) and decided that I wanted one. He is a little worn but he is a wonderful mint green color. The doll is Molly from the American Girls Collection. This collection came about when I was an older child. I wanted a doll so badly but my mother thought they were porcelain and wouldn't buy me one. Years later, my sister received many American Girls dolls as they are cloth and plastic! A few years ago I made this observation to my mother and mentioned I never got a Molly doll - guess what she gave me for Christmas! Now of course, American Girls have gone out of control with all the dolls and accessories. I liked it better when there were only three: Molly, Samantha, and Kirstin.
Last but not least, I love that my dog Margot is waiting for me with a wag, a lick, and unconditional love! (Of course, I hope it goes without saying that I also love that Jeff is there too!).