The new "green" energy efficient Waterford ball debuting tonight in Times Square.

The new "green" energy efficient Waterford ball debuting tonight in Times Square.
Posted by Sugar Bear at 11:34 AM 18 comments
As I was running around the day before Christmas Eve, my good friend called and asked if I could make a Victorian style ornament for her to give as a gift. I couldn't pass up the opportunity - good thing I had more of these cutouts! This is the piece I came up with for her. It was fun to take a break from cleaning and baking and sprucing to get one more crafty thing in!
I like to have unique place cards every year. This year, I took an idea from Kari and Kijsa and gave each dinner guest a Christmas quote tied to an angel ornament. As we started dinner, each person read their quote aloud. I tried to use quotes that spoke to the true meaning of the holiday.
This little guy was a big hit. It is a tree made entirely of cheese with parsley and tomatoes used to complete the look at topped with a yellow bell pepper star. It tasted good and made a cute presentation!
Have a wonderful day!
Posted by Sugar Bear at 10:14 AM 19 comments
Posted by Sugar Bear at 12:28 PM 17 comments
So I really should be doing some actual housekeeping but anyway - I was just taking a break and flipping through my favorite blogs when I came across a little gift from Jenn & Jacqui! The Fifi So Nice Award! Thanks ladies, you really made my day. I know exactly who I want to pass this to - Miss Heather Pretty Petals! Heather has a very kind, caring, and compassionate heart as well as one of the most beautiful blogs and boutiques around. She has gone above and beyond in her kindness and support and I can think of no one more deserving of this award.
I also want to thank Natasha for giving me a Rockin Girl Blogger award! This is my third one so I guess I'm a lot more rockin then I thought LOL! Thanks for all that you do as well Natasha.
I also want to let you know that Bren and Kim are hosting some wonderful giveaways. Pop over to their places to enter.
I do plan to post again before Christmas but just in case time gets away from me - Merry Christmas to all!
Holiday Cheer,
Posted by Sugar Bear at 11:14 AM 11 comments
Posted by Sugar Bear at 7:54 AM 17 comments
Posted by Sugar Bear at 9:37 AM 11 comments
Yesterday was our first major snow storm of the season. I was in work for only a few hours before they decided to shut down early for the day. Yay! Snow Day! Our neighbors are hosting an open house this weekend. Rather then bring a hostess gift for our hosts extraordinaire, I decided to make cocoa kits for their three kids. I think they will get a kick out of these.
Here are the after effects of the storm. It wasn't too bad, maybe 5 inches or so of snow. Jeff's outside snow blowing the sidewalks now.
These trees act as the fence between our backyard and our neighbors. I think they make a lovely set of Christmas trees with the new fallen snow.
Margot doesn't mind the snow. She likes to run around in it but she was a bit timid as this is the first storm of the season and I don't think she quite remembers what to do!
A little housekeeping, I have one Silver Glitter Tree Ornament left in my shop if anyone is interested. Now I must get ready for work, I really should be out the door soon! Have a wonderful day friends.
Posted by Sugar Bear at 7:27 AM 18 comments
Welcome to my Holiday Home! Special thanks to Karla Nathan for hosting this fabulous party. I have to warn you that I may have gone overboard with the photos but I couldn't bare to edit any out! We'll start with the outside - we put evergreen wreathes on all of the windows. This year I decided to go for a more natural look and leave out the bows. The window boxes are filled with faux snowballs. Project information can be found here.
As we approach the front door, you will find the wreath I blogged about here.
Please do come in, make yourself at home and pull up a chair. Can I interest you in some hot cocoa, tea, coffee?
Allow me to show you some of my favorite ornaments. This little red clock is my most favorite. This has been part of my Christmas tree since I was a child and I snagged it from my mother when I moved out. I have placed this ornament on the tree every year for as long as I can remember. I don't know why it appeals to me so much - my mother thinks I'm crazy as it is just a cheap little thing that came in a package with many ornaments but it is very kitchy don't you think?
This is one of two Italian themed ornaments my mother gave us last year. This one depicts the Trevi Fountain in Rome. We have a special love for Italy as both Jeff and I are of Italian ancestry and we honeymooned in Italy.
Another favorite - this one also came into our collection last year. I love old movies, esp. old Bing Crosby films. I love, love, love Holiday Inn - one of my all time favorites and of course love White Christmas. This ornament plays the movie version of White Christmas. Our dog Margot can't figure out why the tree is singing - it is quite funny to watch her cock her head from side to side in confusion and wonder!
Speaking of Margot - there are several ornaments with a dog theme - this one features her photo and was given to us by Jeff's grandmother.
This is a lovely addition for this year - it is from my mother-in-law and she just gave it to me last week. Cardinals are my favorite bird and we also live on a street with Cardinal in its name so we have several cardinal items throughout our home.
This is our mantle. I was just telling Karla that I am leaning towards more silvers and creams in holiday decor but you'd never know it! Most of our decorations are in the traditional red and green.
Before Jeff and I got together he used to decorate his Christmas tree in all gold. We have several boxes of gold glass ornaments that we don't really use anymore. They go up and down from the attic year to year. So this year, I decided to create some wreathes for the living room windows.
This is a Cardinal Christmas tree that is stationed by our front door.
An adorable tie on that Kari and Kijsa included with my silhouette I posted about in my last entry.
Here are the results of some of the fabulous Joli Paquets I purchased. The bell kit came from Heather...
...and this Sugar Shack kit came from Holly. She had such a run on these I was lucky to snag one!
This lovely doll is from Angelina.
This little pillow is one of the first Christmas themed items I bought when Jeff and I first moved in together.
Care for a sleigh ride? I have to say I've always wanted to go on one but haven't yet... The cone is another beauty from Holly.
My mother made me this Santa mug when I was a child.
As we make our way into the kitchen we come across a few more Santas. This tin one was given to me by my grandmother. She used to use this in her holiday decor.
This sleepy time Santa was a craft fair purchase many, many years ago. I like his slippers! This is what Santa does after a long Christmas night!
Even my aprons are ready for the holidays!
Posted by Sugar Bear at 12:01 AM 53 comments