It has been one of those months! Going through a particularly stressful/busy period at work and trying to keep my head above water. Chelsea is also starting a new stage - tantrums! Oh the fun. I completely understand she is throwing tantrums because she can't fully communicate her wants/needs and because she is testing her boundaries but it is still quite draining. The biggest obstacles have become diaper changing and getting into the car. She loves to walk to the car whenever we are going somewhere or when it is time to go home. Once we reach the point where I need to pick her up and put her in the car - happy time is over. She starts screaming, crying, stiffens so I can't strap her into her seat. The works. I've been ignoring the behavior (as I do with all tantrums) until she relaxes enough to get her strapped in. There are times this is taking 5 minutes or more and then she is still likely crying and carrying on for the first portion of the car ride. Ugh. I'm posting this not to moan and groan but because I'm hoping some of the more experienced moms out there may have some suggestions on how to make the transition into the car less stressful for us both. I've tried keeping it light, singing, making funny faces, even giving her a snack once she gets in the car. So far nothing is working.
This brings me to this lighthearted clip. I was sitting at work when an e-mail popped up with this clip. It is so sweet, innocent, and adorable and brings us back to a fun time in movies/entertainment before the rise of all this reality nonsense (I like reality shows but the fame some of these people gain is beyond me - can you say the Kardashians?). I'm only 32 but already turning into a sour puss!