We interrupt the usual creative, crafty, homey posts for a product review. Are any of you like me - sucked in my new products and informercials? Well I thought I'd let you know how my experimentation with a few new products has gone. In a few words, not so well!
Have you seen the infomercial for Wen? It promises to be the most wonderful thing for your hair and banish those "bad hair days." Well I happened upon this infomerical the other day while feeding Chelsea and I was mesmerized - imagine - only having to use one bottle of product! Having fabulous full hair full of body and bounce! But the price tag seemed a bit steep so I decided to research a bit further.

First time around it wasn't too bad, by the second time I tried it my hair was left greasy, lifeless (even more so than usual!), and just felt icky. I persevered and decided maybe my hair was just getting used to it. Well it never did get any better. I give this product a big thumbs down. Now, my hair is pretty fine so perhaps it works better on thicker hair? I'm being an optimist here. It also adds time onto your routine rather than shortening it - you have to rinse your hair for so many minutes, massage the product in for so many minutes, rinse for so many minutes, massage more product in - ahh! Who has time for this?
So bottom line - don't get suckered in by Wen. Try the Hair One version first - it even comes in trial sizes.
I was also intrigued by the ads for this Dove deodorant which promises to "minimize the visual appearance of hair over time." Well I've been using it for a few months and I notice absolutely no difference. I'm not sure what they mean by "over time" - perhaps a year or two or three or four? As a deodorant it works just fine but be wary of their other claims.
If you have had different experiences with these products, please do share!
i did see commercials for Wen and was intrigued...i have very bad hair...curly/frizzy left to it's own devices...thanks for the heads up Karla!!!
I wondered about that deodorant and how it could possibly work. Thanks for letting us know it doesn't!
Wow -- I haven't seen either of those commercials, and wonder if they're regional. I will definitely look out to NOT get those!
The verification word for this post is frizedr, which sounds like frizzed hair to me!
do not watch infocommercials would be my advice!!!! I have a very expensive once used exercise machine sitting in my garage..... a result of being lured by promises of having the body of a supermodel in a very short time! Although perhaps not their fault I am not using it......Rachaelxo
So funny you mentioned Wen because I had thought about getting some as well - but now I won't thanks to you. I hadn't seen the deodorant before, but I can't imagine anything taming or minimizing the crazy thickness and courseness of my under arm hair (or any of my hair no matter where it is - this is too much information isn't it :o)
Hi sweetie!! How are you? :-)Great I hope!! :-) I have wondered about Wen. Won't try it or the sally version now. Sorry I haven't sent your package!! I feel like an awful friend!! Sooooo beyond crazy busy here!!!
I hope you have a fantastic weekend!! Huge hugs!! Britt :-)
I love it that you've put up a few product reviews! I tried that Wen stuff as well. Just not my thing. I like a shampoo...
Let us know if you try anything else. I think I'll start doing the same.
Hi Karla,
Nice to hear from you.
Good commercials!!
my husband and I both use the dove deodorant...the green and white one...we love it!! ...
I have seen the wen product on QVC...I debated whether or not to get it... I have not yet...I have thick course hair... I think his products may cater to those of us that don't want frizz and want it smoothe and flatter.....do you have soft water... I know that doesn't help people with hair like yours... I so wish I had soft water to tame my unruly hair!
If you have soft water you may not need to use conditioner....hope that helps!
smiles, Joy~
I must be living under a rock or just too busy cause I haven't heard of either of these items! I'll go with the busy.
Looking forward to that magazine coming out - hopping on over to their blog after I leave here! Hope the computer is all better now. Have a great week.
Thanks for sharing the your opinion about those products!! It is not easy to find best beauty products...
A friend of mine uses Wen and loves it...but, she has very thick naturally wavy hair. I think that's the people this product probably works best on.
I have fine hair, I want the lather, I don't want natural oils left in to weight my (already straight hair) down.
After Redken discontinued my favorite GlyproL shampoo years ago, I switched to Neutragena's 'Clean' shampoo and love it. Great for fine hair and I can buy it at the grocery. :)
Thank you so much for sharing! I am a sucker for packaging so I can't tell you how many products I have tried that are so not amazing. I did buy Loreals new mascara with collagen in it for plumping your lashes and I LOVE it!!
I agree about the Wen hair products! My friend gave me samples and I was not impressed. I like shampoo to foam! She is the infomercial queen so I let her be disappointed instead of me! lol! Amy :)
Wow. I was wondering about the Wen product,too. Had seriously thought about ordering it. Price a little steep, that is what held me back. Glad I did. Can't imagine the deodorant working.
Impatient Cajun
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