This is one of the cottage's near the one we stayed at. Many people name their cottages. This one was called 'Tis Ours. Some others we saw included Summerwind, Dad's Dream, Piece of Heaven, Simple Pleasures, Our Home by the Sea, and Ospreyland.
This is my favorite photo! It is a little shed that we happened upon while driving. How beautiful is this (minus that pesky electrical box)? I am going to frame this one.
Chatham Lighthouse
View from the Chatham Lighthouse.
More views from the lighthouse. For lack of a better term, there are these pay for a view binoculars at the lighthouse. When I was a kid, instead of zooming in on the view - I zoomed in on the couple making out on the beach! My mother was hysterical. I guess I loved romance from then on!
This lovely home was under construction last year, came out pretty snazzy don't ya think?
And the crowning glory - me and Louise! I hope Louise is one of the first (the other being Jennifer) of many blogging friends I get to meet! What are some of your favorite hometown/vacation photos?

Oh that little shed is gorgeous!!! And I'm glad you relate to the bed-size issue...!!!
Look at the blue sky, cotton candy clouds and that Blue blue water!!!!!!
I have serious envy right about now!
And oh man, if you can't convince Jeff to buy it for you, convince him to buy it for me! ha!
The little shed is to die for. I would live in it, happily ever after. If Jeff won't buy me the house, that is. lol
Hey Karla! GORGEOUS photos!!! Thanks for sharing them. I have been haveing my computer re-formatted , so I'm so behind on my blog reading. I have missed alot over there. I'm linking you on my blog also, so I make sure I get over here,and dont miss anything!lol
Picture Perfect!! I LOVE the cape. Look at those blue skies.....heaven on earth!! I would love to go there again!
Loves your photos, Karla! The welcome mat is already out for your next trip!!!
LOVE all the photos Karla! Thanks for sharing your trip with us. I want to be in Cape Cod right now!!!! Love the architecture style, always have, it reminds me of the houses in JAWS!!! I'll be sure to get some decent pics of my part of the world for you on my blog one day soon!
Natasha xo
forgot to say, love the top you are wearing, isn't it the one you got from Jennifer? great colours and looks fab on you!
I may never get to visit the north east, so how lucky am I that you visited *for me* and then shared all your lovely pics!!!
I think my favorite home is the victorian, and then also the capecod that you liked. Both were so dreamy.
I am glad you had a nice visit with your friend Louise, and thank you for visiting my blog and complimenting my twinkies.
What an exciting trip! I bet it was so exciting to meet Louise!! Beautiful photos! Thanks so much for sharing!!
You and Louise are just so cute! Love all of the cottage pictures too!
Oh I so want to go to the east coast. I have been every where on the west coast, but no farther east then Utah. Your photos are Beautiful!!
Beautiful, beautiful pictures! I love New England. I have not made it out to Cape Cod but this pictures prove I have to go. I absolutely love the rose covered shed. Thanks for posting these.
Great pictures, Karla!! I love the houses. You don't see too many like that in San Diego!
Oh it looks soo peaceful.All the houses were lovely.Great pictures!!
Hi Karla!!
I love all of your cape cod photos... I would love to vacation there someday. I am so glad you had a nice would be a wonderful place to live. You and Louise are such sweeties!! How fun that you actually got to meet! I love that.
The little shed, how absolutely to die for is that? What a great memory of your trip that will make when it is framed.
Everything is so gorgeous there. I wonder if we could ALL move there? Wouldn't that be fun! So great that you and Louise met, that's the best part!
So beautiful! I love that part of the country...not only pretty but some good eatin' too.
Wonderful photos - had fun touring with you! Thank you for sharing!
oh what a tour!! Thank you soooo much. It makes me want to visit more then ever!! Laurie
Oh how I loved vacationing on Cape Cod...your pictures brought it all back...gorgeous. Just like you and your friend!
Beautiful photos....I love Cape Cod. You Sis Boom top is just darling!
What wonderful pictures of the cape! Thanks! You are getting me all revved up for my family's trip there...tomorrow!!! Wish I could have met you there.
Found you thru Jennifer and I love your blog. Looking forward to reading more.
I too Love Cape Cod. I spent all my Summers there as a Kid. I was back three years ago and had such Memories. Nice to meet you. Great Blog. Love the photos. Jamie
It looks amazing Karla! I have never been, but boy would I like to. The buildings, homes, and little shed are so cute. And it's so great that you met Louise - love the picture of you two.
Oh your Cape Cod pictures are wonderful! I've never been there before but seeing your lovely photos sure makes me want to take a trip.
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