Oh how this image just about sums it up! Are any of you like me? Wanting to save the world? Wanting to help others in some little way? Sometimes I feel like my helpful nature translates to "sucker" tattooed across my forehead. I'm currently involved in way too many volunteer activities but a situation presented itself late last week that I felt I must jump in head first and help out with. Well, that is turning out to not have been the best idea as disorganization, too many people and too many egos get in the way of what is supposed to be a wonderful thing. Not gonna lie, I do include my ego in this statement. When you willingly, happily, gladly volunteer to take on a specific role you run with it and when you have a concrete wall put in your path and people trying to pull more from you then you are willing to give it gets to be a bit much. Right now I'm trying so hard to keep the bigger picture in my head, dangling it in front like a carrot. There was a good reason for volunteering to begin with and that reason still remains.

Oh yeah, that's me. I advise you to get it under control now.
I totally understand.. I have issues with saying NO to things also.... but thank goodness, there are people like you who are willing to help out. If everyone did even just a little, some wouldnt have to so all! Focus on the cause... good for you!!
Oh I can so relate to that issue. Its a tough one for me too!
Good luck!!
Hope you have a fab weekend girl :)
I think there is a special line at the pearly gates for vacation bible school teachers and volenteers.
I have a hard time over doing the volunteer work too. I've managed to cut back a bit and pick and chose a little more lately. It is not easy to do!
Thanks for the heads up about the swap, I think it sounds like a fun one!
There always is a voice of reason in the group, and you sound like your it. Stay focused and have a great weekend!
You are so graceful! I'm sure the project you are working on and in is much better now because you're a part of it! Keep focused, you'll be great and in the end I'm sure you'll be happy with your work!
Try to stick with it, as I'll bet they definitely need someone with your talent and skills!!xx
awww Karla,
I hope you can find the fine line of balance, and stay sane in the meantime getting this project underway amongst the egos and all. ;-)
Good luck Karla!!!
I love it. I think I need to make something like that to remind myself.
Ugh, I know how that feels. Be careful not to let yourself be taken advantage of while you do keep that big picture in your sites!!
I have some good news!! Check it out: http://boobyfish.blogspot.com/2007/10/dum-dum-dum.html
that is soo like me!! I try to volunteer and help people too much. It can be overwhelming
Totally know what you mean. My hubby has always said I have a HELIUM hand ~ whenever they ask my hand just floats right up. This is the first year I have relinquished all of my volunteering so that I can have more time to take care of my family and paint. I actually have some days that I have "nothing" that has to be done and nowhere that I have to go - VERY strange feeling after many years of volunteering.
Have a wonderful week.
Sandy :)
It's a slippery slope Karla, but hopefully you will find a happy medium that will allow you to volunteer your time and talents, without feeling like you're being taken advantage of. You're such a generous, passionate, helpful soul that it's no wonder people want your help. Thanks for taking time to come by and visit me when you're so busy. I really appreciate it. Hope you're well Karla! :o)
Oh have we been there...and there and there. Only in the last two years have we begun to pull back a bit. I have always found it hard to say no, as does Bill. How nice it would be if everyone would do their part. YOU are amazing!
I try to do several things, Bill does too. Some we do together. Still, we have stopped volunteering for all the things we once did. We had begun to have no time for family life! Really! So, do only what YOU feel comfortable doing and what fills your heart with joy.
You are one of the best dear heart!
LOL you have mentioned in the past you are a volunteer addict! You have such a big heart xo
I have finally learned to say "No" and I have found out the world does not come to an end and people still like me because I am honest about why I have to say no.
I just quit a club yesterday, I didn't want to tell the President of the club that I was quitting but she asked me. I responded honestly and told her that the club was different than what I thought it was. That the reasons I joined were to learn new crafting techniques and that this club was more a social club.
She was very nice and understanding.
I am OUT!!!
I did leave out the "Yippee" when talking to her.
But, I did think it as I was walking to my car. :) Bren
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