The ever fabulous and fun Ms. Scrappy Jessi is hosting an oh so fun Favorite Childhood Toys party May 1 (Happy May Day!). My mother has all of my childhood photos but I did manage to find a few from the fun collage my sister made me for my birthday. One "toy" I loved was old clothes. Playing dress-up was so much fun. I especially loved silky things and high heels! I think that is an old piece of lingerie in the above photo. I remember pulling the gauzy overlay over my head and pretending I was a bride, or maybe it was a princess - in any event it was fun!
One of my all time favorites is the Sit 'n Spin. How much fun I had spinning myself into a dizzy stupor. I used to also like to spin round and round without the toy until I got dizzy. I guess it was a good thing I never fell down and hit my head!
Shrinky Dinks! These were so much fun. Color them in, put them in the oven and watch them shrink up. I don't remember what I did with them after but I do remember watching them shrink down. And of course, Smurfs - loved that cartoon.
Holly Hobbie! Do you remember her? I took this photo off of Google but it is the exact sleeping bag I used to have. I used to love this thing. I would curl up in it to watch TV or just to take a nap. So warm and snuggly.
One of the toys that most sticks out in my mind is my Holly Hobbie kitchen set. I searched high and low for a photo but couldn't find one. This is the closest I could find. It wasn't one of those molded plastic sets that you see today but made out of printed press board with real tin kitchen goodies. So much fun! I so wish we had kept it. It would be so much fun to have today and to pass on to any future children I have. Alas, I think it went to Goodwill or perhaps that big toy box in the sky.
Don't ya love my Sesame Street sheets! This doll was given to me by my godmother and was always one of my favorites. As you can see, she made an especially nice pillow. I think I still have her somewhere....
Thanks for visiting. Off to see what other toys are being remembered!