I searching for some vintage inspiration recently. One of my favorite sources is vintage advertising. I came across this Brach's ad from the 50s. I love the colors and especially love that it features candy - one of my favorite things!

I searching for some vintage inspiration recently. One of my favorite sources is vintage advertising. I came across this Brach's ad from the 50s. I love the colors and especially love that it features candy - one of my favorite things!
Posted by Sugar Bear at 11:55 AM 16 comments
One of my worst fears came true the other night, Margot got skunked! I had been dreading this since last summer when a skunk family took up residence under our shed. Luckily nothing ever happened and when the bunny family took up residence under said shed this year I figured we were safe from skunks. Well I was wrong! We were able to grab her right away and immediately got her into the bathtub. I read about this shampoo a while back and had purchased a bottle just in case. Was I ever glad I did! This stuff is a miracle worker. We only had to wash her once and she smelled good as new and as if nothing ever happened. I wanted to pass this info along to all of you that have dogs or other pets - this shampoo really is great! I'm going to be sure to keep a supply on hand at all times!
Posted by Sugar Bear at 3:32 PM 27 comments
I want to say a big thank you to everyone for the kind comments and e-mails on my resin post. I decided to make a few for Etsy and see how it goes.
I'm a big sweets addict so the focus is all ice cream, Popsicles, and candy! Yum yum.
Posted by Sugar Bear at 1:34 PM 24 comments
I love the Golden Girls. As a child when I watched this show - just about everything went over my head thank goodness! When I look back now and realize what they were really talking about - oh boy! Really makes you realize how innocent you are when you are a child. I just remember liking their house and thinking they seemed like nice granmotherly types. This is one of my favorite scenes. Their little jingle always gets stuck in my head.
When I was in 7th grade my family made the trip down to Disney World and I got to see the Golden Girls house! That was a definite highlight.
I'm still kicking around here in blogland visiting everyone. I don't have that much to post about right now. I am working on some new things and hope to post a few in Etsy probably next week. I just need the motivation to complete them! I guess I'm in the lazy days of summer mode.
Updated July 23: How ultimately timely for me to do this post just before Estelle Getty's passing. She truly was a great actress and her portrayal of Sophia will forever be one of my favorite characters.
Posted by Sugar Bear at 10:46 AM 11 comments
When we purchased our house 4 years ago this month, it was the 28th house we looked at. Yes you read that right! I'm quite sure our realtor had about enough of us by the time we got to this house but I knew that I would just know when we were in the right house - and I didn't get that feeling until we stepped foot into what is now our home. Actually, I remember knowing this would be the place as I peeked in the sidelights before we even made it inside. There are things about the house that we are still working on changing, like the old slate you see above, but these things come slowly when on a budget!
One thing I knew I wanted was natural light. I could not stand the thought of a dark house. Well we certainly get lots of natural light in this home and it makes me so happy on the bright days. The yellow walls only enhance this. Coming downstairs in the morning makes me smile!
Posted by Sugar Bear at 6:00 AM 25 comments
I've been playing around with resin in premade bezel cup pendants for a while now. After finding some neat stickers and buttons at Michaels, I thought it would be fun to play around with embedding items in resin. My first batch didn't turn out that great as I was going too fast and overfilled the molds but this batch came out much better! I made the top duckie pendant for Jeff's cousin. She is pregnant with her first child - a boy due in October. I couldn't pass up the ice cream cone buttons when I saw them - perfect for summer! The butterfly is for a friend of mine that has a strong belief in rebirth and all that the butterfly represents and the flag was fun for July 4th. I'm getting addicted to these - I'm on the hunt for more cute things to embed! I found some cute Japanese charms that I can't wait to play with! What new projects/mediums are you working with?
Posted by Sugar Bear at 6:15 AM 20 comments
I need some help. My sister really liked the journal I made for my father-in-law and has asked me to make her a running journal. She is training for a half marathon in October and wants to write down her feelings and experiences during this time. Easy enough project right? Well the only catch is that she wants the journal to have an Egyptian theme. She has a running mantra that incorporates the Sphinx in particular. I looked at some of the scrapbook stores around here and cannot find any Egyptian themed anything. I did some quick Google searches and didn't find much. Has anyone come across Egyptian themed scrapbook papers in the past? Do you have any ideas for the design of this journal? I think the humidity has zapped my creative juices, I'm drawing a blank! Any feedback is much appreciated.
Posted by Sugar Bear at 6:08 AM 8 comments
Okay - I don't have children so I buy things for my dog what can I say? Margot loves bubbles so I thought this jumbo bubble machine would be fun. As you can see, she wasn't quite sure what to make of it, even with my feeble attempts to get her interested. I've pulled it out a few times since and she goes crazy for the bubbles! Too funny. The bubble machine can be found here.
Posted by Sugar Bear at 6:00 AM 13 comments
Best wishes for a safe and happy Independence Day! Love, support, and blessings to all of our soldiers, especially those stationed overseas. You are forever in our hearts and prayers.
Posted by Sugar Bear at 6:00 AM 6 comments
Posted by Sugar Bear at 4:21 PM 10 comments