Today is Earth Day. Its a day I never really gave much thought to. I recycle my newspaper and plastics and cardboard and I figured that was good enough. Well, was I ever wrong. I was shocked to hear some statistics on an episode of Oprah last week. Did you know it takes 1,000 years for one plastic grocery bag to break down? Or that it takes 14 million trees to produce paper grocery bags?! I always thought I was doing a good thing by choosing paper and reusing all my bags whether paper or plastic but these statistics really floored me. I'm going to purchase some canvas shopping and produce bags and stop contributing to so much waste. Oprah also featured an interesting story of a couple whose young son was suffering from asthma. They went back through the family history and no one had the same affliction. They figured out the cause was the household cleaning products they were using - regular everyday stuff that we all probably have in our kitchens and bathrooms. They switched to products by a company called Shaklee and their son's asthma disappeared. They ended up buying the company and are offering a great discount on their cleaning products. Check them out here. I ordered some for our home and will let you know how they are once the arrive. In the meantime, we should all try to do what we can to make sure we leave behind a vibrant Earth for the next generation.

14 million trees!!!!! Wow! I think we as a nation do not fully understand the damage we are doing. I missed that show but I would love to see it...maybe I can find it on my cable box thing that shows old shows.
I LOVE your collages! They are soooo pretty! I have been buying so many paper supplies and am afraid to use them! lol
Hi Karla!
i used to use cloth bags when we lived in michigan, but here in Chicago Land they did not use them!!! i was very surprised. I am going to start using them again! I'l check out the shaklee product line too. Thanks for all of your info!!!
Love all of your collage art work! I am afraid if I join one more thing my hands are going to fall off, especially my fingers! haah. They really do hurt! I have been stabbing myself alot! There are going to be some very very lucky and happy people out ther soon!
With Kindness,
The collage with the roses is my favorite. Very nice
I always tell my husband when he complains about the junk I bring home, that I am saving the world by reusing things others throw away. I'd like to think that reusing vintage things makes a differance, hope it does.
Thanks for asking about the floral buckets, I might do more and will let you know if I do. You are entered in the drawing, you might win the one for that!
Your collages are beautiful! And even more so when I'm holding on in my own two hands!!!! What a surprise! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love it! I'm charmed by every detail and all the lovely layering! This was a wonderful surprise!
Karla, wow 14 million trees! crazy. In Europe they have always been so much better at "being green" than we are here. Maybe it's time to get the cloth shopping bags out, like you said!yikes.
I'm so glad the fleas are officially opened there...isn't it just the best? I am lucky in that we have fleamarkets 12 months a year, rain or shine. (I have been drenched before!!) You got some great cards, and I absolutely LOVE what you made!!!Hope you have a happy day:) Lidy
Oh! I wish I would have remembered Earth Day! Thanks for the reminder:-) I'm so glad that people do remind us of the way that we wasted God's resources! Thanks Karla!
I'm glad you got to the flea market! I bet it was a lot of fun on such a pretty day out!! I had quite an ordeal the last few days, I blogged about it just a few min. ago. I was in the hospital for 3 days....with what I am pretty darn sure is my second MS exacerbation. Dr. has to be 100% sure before diagnosing since his reputatin is on the line, but I have read a lot and there is no denyign these symptoms when they get this bad. When they are mild I am unsure, but with the eye episode and then this one, no denying it. UGH...
Thanks for checking on me!
beautiful collages by the way... =-)
Gorgeous collages!! So pretty.
I love that you posted all those facts...people are a;lways so surprised, as was I, a little while ago when I read those statistics! Wed are such a throw away society and that must stop! Thank you for your post...and for being, well, for being YOU! A very special lady!
Fabulous creations!!! Gosh I so need to pull out the play stuff and start getting back into the groove. Wanna come over and inspire me? Heh!
Karla, thank you so much for the information about the bags. I have been thinking of doing the canvas bags too. I think you have moved me to do something about it. And I love your collages - so beautiful. You did a really nice job Karla.
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